Always improving.

Always evolving.

Not just better, smarter


What exactly Does Adult Day Care Pro Suite Do?

Innovative, cloud bases solution...

Adult Day Care Pro Suite is an innovative cloud based solution for today’s adult day health care services. This innovative new platform was designed and engineered by software, and security professionals, with direct input from those in the industry.  This ingenious new solution will simultaneously address, and solve, virtually every major issue facing today’s providers, both large and small.  Packed with features, and easy to use, means that new users can be up and running in a matter of hours.

What Adult Day Care Pro Suite does,
that other adult day care software can not do?

  • Adult Day Care Pro Suite Website enables a small operator to have access to the same powerful systems, software, and services once available only to large corporations.
  • Automated electronic billing for medicare, insurances and Title XX. No Uploading any files.
  • Adult Day Care Pro Suite saves you countless of hours in automated units calculation.
  • Automated meal Count.
  • Automated billing reconcilliation.

Always evolving.

Unlike other companies who release a software “solution,” and expect their customers to adapt to them, the developers at Adult Day Care Pro Suite not only appreciate the input of our customers, we act upon their suggestions. Like the mythical systems of the future which utilize artificial intelligence, our platform is much like a living entity.   Adult Day Care Pro Suite is in a constant state of development, — always improving, always learning, always getting better, and always striving to meet the unique needs of our valued customers.  

With Adult Day Care Pro Suite, you don’t need to wait years to see improvements, or wait many months for the latest software update.  With Adult Day Care Pro Suite, customers will experience those changes and improvements in real time.  

Call us for a free consultation today!

Don’t waste another day shuffling paper, hounding your attendants, and losing money.